Friday, 16 November 2012

Old friends....the loops in the journey....

Old friends....the loops in the journey!


I love the energy that writing this blog generates in me... and at the same time, I am aware that I have been dragging my heels and not getting anything written this week... Anyway, am in serious need of an energy shift - feel like I'm in a bit of a fug, so let's go with what comes up!! :)
Had a really interesting experience this week.  Met up with some old friends, ex-work colleagues actually (pre Cape Town days) - we go back many years and most of them I have not seen for a number of years. And what I was aware of was how much I have changed in relation to them.  I am not saying that they have not changed, what I am saying is that I realised how much I have changed in the last 5 years, how much I have shifted, how much my values have changed, how much my insights about myself have deepened, how my awareness and consciousness has shifted .... AND I had a fantastic evening - it was fun, light and we had lots of laughs and MANY reminisences.  The real value I got out of it, was in being able to be in the moment in all the laughter and joking and leave all my "stuff" behind.  I realise how important it is to do different things and have different experiences, so that I don't get STUCK in whatever my day-to-day situation is.  All in all a great evening - and worth repeating just for the fun of it!!
And then in total contrast - the very next day, I had this amazing conversation, with one of my not so old friends, someone who I have met since I moved to Cape Town 5 years ago. In our chatting, she was helping me work on shifting my energy - looking at my thought patterns and giving me different perspectives. And I realised how different this conversation was, which highlighted to me in a very different way, just how much I have changed.  I am aware that I need people like her in my life, to act as a mirror for me and to support me in getting to grips with LIFE - that I don't have to have all the answers all the time, that I have support all around me to help me get to understand my life a litle bit more. This conversation was deeply soul-satisfying, made me feel very connected to myself and to her. And I realised that this is where the power lies in the changes I have effected in myself - I have created bringing into my life the kind of people who I can have these kind of meaningful conversations with, who I feel connected to in a way I have not felt with people in the past.  And I know it is because of who I am being, that it is through what I have chosen to change within me, that I can now draw people like this into my life - people who "get" me, who resonate with me and who are consciously travelling this path along with me right now.  I love how I am experiencing life right now, even if it is hard at times, as I am getting the most incredible spiritual support, support in me exploring what it is to be human, in a way that does make my soul sing.
Neither the old friends, or the new friends are any "better" than the other, they serve different purposes and yet, in this contrast in what I experienced this week, I am so aware of my own transformation, my own access to my power, how I really connecting to me and raising my level of consciousness and how much my soul sings when I am able to connect with someone at such a deep level, as she supports me in my journey.  I am blessed with these amazing people who have come into my life, who are part of supporting me in raising my vibration, and who give me support in connecting internally - I LOVE my journey.
Have a great weekend, wherever you are in the world right now!!

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With the greatest love

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